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  2v2 (No Gender Requirements)

🎱 Sunday 2v2 Billiards (Winter '25) 🎱

  • Locations: Big Willies
  • • Day: Sunday • Started: Sunday, February 23
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🎱 This league is FOR FUN!! If you are a pool shark and like to play for money or fame, this is not the league for you. Please do not join if you are a professional player, you will not have fun and neither will anyone else. Thanks!
🎱 Pricing is per player with a minimum of 2 players for a full roster (No Gender Requirements)


🧑🏼‍✈️ "Team" - You want to be a captain and will be recruiting a teammate.
🧑🏻 "Individual" - You don't know anyone and want to be placed on a team with another individual before the season starts.


🗓 7-8 Weeks Regular Season Games
🏆 1-2 Weeks of Playoff Games. **All teams make the playoffs.**
🥇 Winning teams receive a kewl prize.
🟠 On-site League coordinators
📜 Find the rules here
🍻 Post-game food and drink specials at our sponsor bars! Go support those who support us!

2.23, 3.2, 3.9, 3.16, 3.23, 3.30, 4.6, 4.13, 4.20

5:30 PM, 6:30 PM