Mini Golf Rules

🌟🌟 Beehive's Golden Rules ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ

Be nice to each other,

Be nice to your referees,

Show up on-time, 

Know the rules.




Games will be played in a 2 vs 2 format. The total strokes of both players on the team will be added together to get the score for each hole. Teams must play all 18 holes to completion. There will be a 5-shot max per hole, meaning if a player misses their 4th shot, they can pick up their ball for a score of 5 (the worst possible score for a team per hole is 10). 


Order of Play


Captains will play a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors to determine which team will putt first.


 Player 1 from Team A will putt first, followed by Player 1 from Team B. These two players will play their balls to completion. After both players have finished, Player 2 from Team A will putt, followed by Player 2 from Team B, again to completion. (Two players will be playing a hole at a time, unless the hole rules specify otherwise). Teammates may switch when they choose to putt after each hole.


Player 1 from Team A will putt first, followed by Player 1 from Team B. After each of these players have made their initial putt, the player with their ball closest to the hole will putt next. If one ball hits another ball, the owner of the hit ball may choose to either leave the ball in its new position or return it to its original position. If the hit ball ends up in the hole, that player will add 1 stroke to their total and end their turn.


The team who won the previous hole will choose which team will putt first on the next hole. In the case of a tie on the previous hole, the team who last won a hole will retain the right to choose. (If a consistent tie, the team that putt first to begin will continue to putt first)




All players must take their first shot from the “tee box.” The tee box shall be the start of the hole, going no further than 6” from the edge.

If a ball goes “out of bounds” it must be placed back to its previous spot. There will be no penalty strokes, but your score must reflect how many times your putter hit the ball.


If a ball rests directly against a wall or object, in a manner it cannot reasonably be hit, a player may move the ball one putter head away from the obstruction. This cannot be in a direction closer to the hole, nor can it give any player any advantage. This does not apply to intentional obstacles.  


There will be no penalty for accidentally moving your ball. If moved accidentally, player must move the ball back to its original position. 


Score cards will be kept by the opposing team. At the end of your round of 18, cards need to be signed by the captains and turned in to the league manager.