🌟🌟 Beehive's Golden Rules 🌟🌟
Be nice to each other,
Be nice to your referees,
Show up on-time,
Know the rules.
New (and often confused) Rules in 2025!
Mercy Rules - Triggers when a team is down 25 or more points at halftime.
There is no maximum number of players allowed on a team roster. All players must be on the roster and sign the BSSC waiver to participate. Players must be at least 18 years old at the start of the season.
A team can field no more than 8 players at a time, and at least 3 of the players on the field must be women. A team must have at least 6 players, and at least 2 women, present at the start of the game to avoid a forfeit. A team may play with a full team of 8 if its opponent is short on players. A team can avoid the $20 forfeit fine by notifying BSSC 48 hours before the scheduled game time. If this occurs, Beehive will try to reschedule (but can't guarantee) the game at a time convenient for both teams.
Players may not wear metal cleats; any players who wear metal cleats will be ejected.
Each team must provide its own football. Rock Paper Scissors will determine what team begins the game with possession. The loser of RPS chooses the direction their team will attack in the first half. The ball will be placed on the 5-yard line to begin the game.
Referee's Authority
The head referee has final say on all calls on the field, regardless of whether the situation is covered in the rules. The referee has the right to eject any player from the game at any time.
The Clock
Each half will last 20 minutes, with a halftime of 5 minutes. Each team will have 2 1-minute time outs per half. The clock will continuously run throughout both halves, but will stop for time outs or if a serious injury occurs. (for 2nd half two minute warning clock rules, see below)
The referee will maintain the clock and will notify teams when there are 2 minutes remaining in each half. In the first half, the clock will not stop in the last 2 minutes unless a timeout is taken. In the second half, NFL clock rules will apply during the final 2 minutes. The clock will stop on an incomplete pass, on a penalty while the ball is spotted, on a possession change, or when an offensive player goes out of bounds. PATs in the last 2 minutes are dead clock plays but still live ball and returnable for 2 points If a touchdown occurs after time has expired, the scoring team will be allowed to attempt a PAT.
The defense may cross the line of scrimmage only after the 5 second count (counted by the referee) or if the quarterback hands off the ball to another player after the ball has been snapped. If the defense crosses the line of scrimmage before either of these two situations occur, an offsides penalty will be assessed.
Onside Kicks
In the last two minutes of a game after a touchdown is scored, the scoring team can elect to go for an onside kick. If they choose an onside kick, they will run one single play from 10 yards inside midfield (20 yards away from the endzone). If the electing team scores a gains the endzone, the onside kick will be deemed successful and the team will retain the ball in their own territory starting from 10 yards inside midfield (40 yards from endzone). If the electing team does not score a touchdown, the opponent gets the ball from the spot of the onside kick play (10 yards inside midfield).
The offensive team cannot score points on an onside kick play. The defensive team can return an interception on an onside kick play to the opposing endzone for a touchdown.
First Downs
On the defensive side of the field, the situation repeats itself. A first down can once again be earned by completing two forward passes during the first 4 play span. After a first down is earned, a team must score a touchdown in their next 4 plays.
Forced Gender Play
Three Down Rule: An offense must use a female as the primary player within 3 consecutive downs. A primary player is one of the following:
Acceptable Gender Plays Include:
Unacceptable Gender Plays Include
Defense Coverage for a Forced Gender Play.
On a forced gender play, the male defensive team must stand on the opposite side of the field from the female players, and the men cannot line up any further than 10 yards from the line of scrimmage, with the exception being the pass rusher. The pass rusher may shadow the quarterback and can blitz after the 3 second count. Male defensive players can only leave the 10 yard area after the ball has left the quarterback's hand or the quarterback has been blitzed and crossed over the line of scrimmage. Interceptions by a man cannot occur unless the woman has touched the ball first. Men may not cover women on a forced gender play (see exception below). Non-rushing defenders may not deflect a pass, only the rusher of the quarterback may knock the ball down at any time.
Exceptions When Team is Down A Female Player.
If the offense plays more than 3 women on the field for a forced gender play and the defensive team cannot match the number of women, a man may cover the additional woman. He must signal to the referee which woman he is guarding before the play starts. He must stay in single coverage against that woman. If there are more defensive female players than offensive female players the defense may only outnumber the offense by one person. If there are more offensive female players than defensive female players the offense may only outnumber the defense by one person.
Mega PATs Teams can elect to go for a 5 point attempt from the midfield line if there is less than 5 minutes left on the clock in either half of play. If a team scores, 5 points will be added to their score. If they fail however, 1 point will be subtracted from their score.
Additonal Possible Points
Play Continuation
Mercy Rules - Triggered when a team is down 30 or more points at halftime
Five Yard Penalties
Ten Yard Penalties
Fifteen Yard Penalties
Defensive Pass Interference
The penalty will be enforced as a first down at the spot of the foul. If the interference occurs in the end zone, the ball will be spotted at the 1-yard line. If the penalty occurs on a forced gender play, the gender count will be reset. An accepted pass interference penalty results in a catch whether or not the ball is caught and a replay of down.
We are required to tell you that Utah Law prohibits alcohol in parks, so if you do choose to bring alcoholic beverages, you do so at your own risk. (So be careful!)
Substitute Players
Subs are welcome to join Beehive during the regular season for up to 3 weeks. They can fill in for any reason without needing to notify us. Just show up with a good attitude and a basic knowledge of the rules.
If they wish to continue playing they need to join the roster by registering on the website. No, we don't have an enforcement mechanism for this except our trust in your human integrity.
During the playoffs the following stipulations will be strictly observed:
To complete the process, remove the app from your Facebook settings.
Feel free to try again, and be sure to grant the requested privileges.
Feel free to try again, and be sure to grant the requested privileges.
Feel free to try again or contact us for assitance.
Name | Username | Last Login |
These are the accounts with the same email address as your Facebook account ().
If you'd like to use a different account, log into that account using your email (or username) and password, then connect your Facebook account from your Player Page.
*NOTE: In order to keep your site and player info safe, Admin and Staff accounts cannot be linked to Facebook.