Billiards Rules

8-Ball Pool League Rules


1. League Format


  • Each week, teams will play a best-of-three match of 8-ball against another team.
  • Matches should be completed within one hour.


2. Match Play & Time Limit


  • If a match is not decided within one hour, the current game will be decided by counting the number of pocketed balls by each team.
  • The team that has pocketed more balls in the current game will be declared the winner of that game.
  • If the ball count is tied, the game is a draw, and the match stands as completed.


3. Rules of 8-Ball


  • Standard BCA (Billiard Congress of America) 8-ball rules apply unless stated otherwise.
  • Play Rock, Paper, Scissors to determine which team breaks.
  • The winner of each game breaks the next game.
  • The 8-ball must be legally pocketed to win the game.
  • Scratching on the 8-ball results in an automatic loss of that game.
  • If someone scratches on a ball other than the cue ball, the white ball can be placed by the other team anywhere on the table (ball in hand).
  • There are no "table scratches" in this league.


4. Beer Ball Bonus


  • Before or after the match, set up three balls on the table in whatever position or formation the teams agree upon for a beer ball challenge.
  • Each player in the foursome takes turns attempting to pocket pocketing a ball.
  • The player who pockets the last ball wins a free beer from Big Willies.


5. Sportsmanship & Conduct


  • All players are expected to respect their opponents and maintain good sportsmanship. The following rules apply:
  • No sitting or laying on pool tables
  • No jump shots
  • No food or beverages on the tables
  • No sword play with pool sticks
  • No hitting sticks on the tables or lights
  • No foreign objects allowed in the pockets


Any disputes should be resolved in a friendly and fair manner. Excessive delays, unsportsmanlike conduct, or violations of the above rules may be handled by a league representative.
